A Guide to the SIL Encore IPA Fonts (Windows version) With these fonts we preview the next generation of SIL Encore Fonts--scalable outline fonts for both Macintosh and Windows systems. These IPA fonts are just the first step toward providing a single solution for all roman phonetic character needs. The full SIL Encore Outline Fonts package (available 11/92) is a more complete solution. The SIL Printing Arts Department is also committed to finding the best solutions for non-roman scripts in the months and years to come. Although brief, this documentation contains vital font information that is not included elsewhere. Please read it carefully. This will help you take full advantage of the unique features of the SIL Encore IPA Fonts. Contents of this Disk This disk contains the following fonts: SIL Doulos IPA -- a serif, Times-like font in both TrueType and PostScript Type 1 formats. The TrueType file is named SILDIPAR.TTF, the PostScript files are in the PS_FILES directory: SILDIPA_.AFM, SILDIPA_.CFG, SILDIPA_.INF, SILDIPA_.PFB, SILDIPA_.PFM. SIL Sophia IPA -- a sans serif, Univers/Helvetica-like font in both TrueType and PostScript Type 1 formats. The TrueType file is named SILSIPAR.TTF, the PostScript files are in the PS_FILES directory: SILSIPA_.AFM, SILSIPA_.CFG, SILSIPA_.INF, SILSIPA_.PFB, SILSIPA_.PFM. SIL Manuscript IPA -- a monowidth font in both TrueType and PostScript Type 1 formats. The TrueType file is named SILMIPAR.TTF, the PostScript files are in the PS_FILES directory: SILMIPA_.AFM, SILMIPA_.CFG, SILMIPA_.INF, SILMIPA_.PFB, SILMIPA_.PFM. It also contains the following documentation: A Guide to the SIL Encore IPA Fonts (this file) -- a brief guide to using the above fonts, supplied in both Word for Windows 2.0 and text formats. The WinWord file is IPAGUIDE.DOC. The text file is IPAGUIDE.TXT. These files do not, however, contain the Access Code Tables and Keyboard Layouts included with the printed documentation. Font Problem/Suggestion Response Form -- a simple way to report any problems using these fonts and communicate your suggestions for future versions. The WinWord file is FONTRESP.DOC. The text file is FONTRESP.TXT. It also contains the following utilities: Compose -- a free utility developed by Digital Equipment Corporation and included for your benefit. This Windows program allows you to easily access special characters in your font and provides some other nice features as well. You do not have to run this utility to use the IPA fonts, but it can make their use easier. All files related to this utility (including documentation) are compressed into one self-extracting archive: CMPKIT.EXE. SIL IPA Compose Sequences -- a preset Compose sequence file specifically for use with the SIL Encore IPA Fonts. The file is CMP_IPA.DAT. Word RTF Conversion Macros -- a template of two WordBasic macros that fix a problem with special characters when converting documents between Microsoft Word for Windows and Word for the Macintosh. The file is RTF_FIX.DOT. Installing the Fonts To use the TrueType fonts you must be running Windows 3.1. To install them, the easiest way within Windows is to open the Fonts control panel and use the Add Fonts option to copy the fonts to your Windows directory. Consult your Windows documentation for additional help. To use the PostScript fonts we highly recommend that you use Adobe Type Manager. Consult the ATM documentation for installation instructions. Do not install both TrueType and PostScript versions--"unexpected" things might result! Accessing Phonetic Characters These fonts contain every base character, diacritic and suprasegmental mark currently prescribed by the International Phonetic Association, including the 1990 Kiel Convention revisions. It does not include full punctuation, capitals, non- IPA or former IPA characters. The intent was not to unnecessarily limit its usefulness, but to provide as full a solution as possible (at this time) for the display and publication of phonetic text using the current IPA. The following table lists each class of characters and how they have been placed within the font for easy access. In general, variants of standard characters appear on or near those characters on the standard keyboard. Although we have tried to be as consistent as possible, the limitations of the keyboard have necessitated an awkward placement for some characters (Sorry!). Please refer to the supplied Keyboard Layout for specific character placement. CHARACTERS GENERAL PLACEMENT standard lower case same as usual keyboard most common variants of lower case "shift" versions of similar characters turned or rotated "double-strike" versions* hooktop (implosives)** "double-strike" versions* curved right leg (retroflex) "shift-double-strike" versions* superscript "shift" versions barred "shift-double-strike" versions* undotted versions of i, barred i & j versions of the single quote key for use with diacritics diacritics (see next section) the upper row of keys (numbers, etc.) suprasegmentals to the right side of the keyboard arrows two-letter sequences beginning with "n" * clicks two-letter sequences beginning with "e" * tone letters two-letter sequences beginning with "u" * *If using Compose with the provided SIL IPA Compose sequences, "double-strike", "shift-double-strike" and two-letter sequences will allow easy access to these characters. They are otherwise only accessible by access code. **In Microsoft Word for Windows, neither the Compose sequence or entering the access code directly works with the hooktop t character (access code 160). It is, however, available using the Symbol command. Using Diacritics These fonts are designed to allow for the best diacritic placement available within the practical limits of non-kerning applications such as Microsoft Word. To do this we have included up to four versions of each diacritic to allow for "o-width" characters (such as a, o, e, c) and for thinner "i-width" characters (such as i, j, l, t). We have also included raised versions of the seven basic tone marks that will allow them to "stack" above another diacritic (such as the tilde) and a lowered version of the subscript plus sign for use with the esh (shift-s) and yogh (shift-z). The following table describes how to access each of the variants. DIACRITIC GENERAL PLACEMENT standard "o-width" that fall unshifted upper row of keys below the base character standard "o-width" that ride above "Shift" versions thinner "i-width" that fall below "double-strike" versions* thinner "i-width" that ride above "shift-double-strike" versions* raised "o-width" tone marks two-letter sequences beginning with "`" * raised "i-width" tone marks two-letter sequences beginning with "i" * lowered subscript plus two-letter sequence: "`" then "shift-a" * *If using Compose with the provided SIL IPA Compose sequences, "double-strike", "shift-double-strike" and two-letter sequences will allow easy access to these characters. They are otherwise only accessible by access code. Note that diacritics must be typed after the base character they modify. This may be a change from other past methods, but is necessary to assure that text can display correctly in Windows. If a diacritic does not seem to align well, even though you have tried both "o-width" and "i-width" versions, you can try adding one or more "tiny" spaces (access code 202, approximately 1-pixel at 300 DPI) between the base character and diacritic. Be aware, however, that this technique can add many unwanted character codes in your text if you later save it as a text-only file. Installing and Using Compose Compose can make typing some phonetic characters much easier. It allows you to setup "sequences" -- two-letter key combinations (preceded by the "compose" key) that enter preset characters into the current document. It works with most Windows programs and also includes some other useful features. For further information read the file COMPOSE.TXT and the online help included with the program. The Compose program and files are included within CMPKIT.EXE, a self-extracting archive. Copy this file to a new directory on your hard disk and type "CMPKIT". Then type "SETUP" from within the directory to install Compose into Windows. When you want to use Compose, double-click on its icon in the Windows Program Manager. Using the SIL IPA Compose Sequences Although you can configure Compose to use any character sequences for your phonetic characters, we have included a pre-configured sequence file, CMP_IPA.DAT, that is designed to be used with the SIL Encore IPA Fonts. Copy it to your Compose directory, start Compose from within Windows then use the File Open command to select it. The sequences are designed to match the provided keyboard layout as closely as possible. For characters that are not in the standard shifted or unshifted positions on the keyboard, type the Compose key (usually right-Ctrl) followed by the following keys in sequence. Note that you do not need to hold down the Compose key as you type the sequences and that sequences are case- sensitive. KEYBOARD LAYOUT POSITION COMPOSE SEQUENCE lower right corner of keys "double-strike" -- type key twice* Example: to enter the oe digraph, type the Compose key then "o" twice upper right corner of keys "shift-double-strike" -- type key twice while holding down the shift key Example: to enter the small capital OE digraph, type the Compose key then hold down the shift key and type "o" twice table in upper left corner of layout two-letter sequences -- type the key to the left of the table (n,e,i,u,` -- without Option key) followed by the key listed above the desired character Example: to enter the up-arrow, type the Compose key then "n" then "a" *In Microsoft Word for Windows, neither the Compose sequence or entering the access code directly works with the hooktop t character (access code 160). It is, however, available using the Symbol command. The "very minute space" (access code 202) can only be entered by access code. Changing Typefaces for Your Text The SIL Encore IPA Fonts make it easy to change typefaces for your phonetic texts without any character set rearrangement. Each of the fonts has an identical character set encoding, meaning that you can change from the Doulos (proportional) typeface to the Manuscript (monowidth) typeface with a global font change (and vice versa) and retain all characters (in the right places!). In developing this encoding, we worked with noted type designer Charles Bigelow of Bigelow & Holmes (designers of the Lucida font family) to "standardize" an encoding for IPA fonts in general. He has designed phonetic fonts in the past and is designing phonetic extensions to his Lucida Sans and Lucida Bright typefaces. These extensions will be released at no charge to the linguistic community! As a result of our cooperation these fonts will be available in the "SIL IPA Encoding" (as well as other encodings), allowing for problem-free font changes from SIL fonts to the Lucida extensions. These IPA fonts are also "read-write embeddable". This means that you can send a document to someone with the font "embedded" inside. They will be able to read, edit and print that document accurately even if they do not have the same font installed in their system. Although this is possible now, very few (if any) programs currently support embedding. Most commercial programs, however, will support it in future releases. Exchanging Files with the Macintosh In order to maintain a very basic level of compatibility between the Windows and Macintosh versions of these fonts, we have also kept the font encoding identical between platforms. In other words, every character has the same access code in both versions. The result is that a file created in Windows and saved as "text only" can be transferred to the Mac without any rearranging of codes (and vice versa). The downside of this is that files saved in other formats may not transfer correctly. For example, Microsoft Word for Windows allows you to save documents in the Word for Macintosh format. The "filter" the program uses to do this, however, reassigns most of the upper 128 character slots and drops some characters out completely. The Mac-to-Windows migration does not do any better. Microsoft and their colleagues unfortunately provide no workaround for this problem, even though it affects every font (PS or TrueType) available. We could have restricted ourselves to using only the codes that are retained between platforms, but that would have severely reduced the characters available in the font and sacrificed the text file compatibility. There is, however, one way to get around this access code jumbling. Using the RTF (Rich Text Format) filter available in both WinWord and Word for Mac retains the correct encoding if a small manual change is made in the file. We have automated that process through two WordBasic macros, described in the next section. Transferring Word Documents Using RTF_FIX.DOT Correct special character conversion is possible between Word for Windows and Word for Macintosh using two macros, SaveAsMacRTF and ConvertFromMacRTF, included in the template RTF_FIX.DOT. Copy this template file to your WINWORD directory and follow the following procedures: To save the current document as a Macintosh RTF file: 1) Attach the RTF_FIX template using the File Template command. 2) Use the Tools Macro command to retrieve the list of available macros 3) Choose the Template Macros option and select SaveAsMacRTF 4) Select Run 5) Enter the desired resulting filename (look for the prompt in the status bar in the lower left corner of the window) 6) When the Convert File dialog appears, select the Text Only option then OK 7) The conversion is complete when the Status Bar indicates "File saved in Macintosh RTF format." 8) Transfer the document to the Mac (using Apple File Exchange or other utility) To convert and save a Macintosh RTF file: 1) Transfer the document to your PC (using Apple File Exchange or other utility) 2) Use the Open File command to open the Macintosh file (When the Convert File dialog appears, select the Text Only option then OK) 3) Attach the RTF_FIX template using the File Template command. 4) Use the Tools Macro command to retrieve the list of available macros 5) Choose the Template Macros option and select ConvertFromMacRTF 6) Select Run 7) Enter the desired WinWord filename (look for the prompt in the status bar in the lower left corner of the window) 8) When the Convert File dialog appears, select the Rich Text Format (RTF) option then OK (enter summary info if requested) 9) The conversion is complete when the Status Bar indicates "Document converted and saved." For these procedures to work, both WinWord and Word for Macintosh must have RTF converters installed. WinWord must also have the "Confirm File Conversions" option turned on. Although this will convert the great majority of characters correctly, the "hooktop t" (access code 160) will not convert automatically. It must be manually reentered using the Symbol command. Questions and Problems Will these fonts work in word processors other than Microsoft Word? Yes! They will work in any Windows application that supports TrueType fonts. Will these fonts work in Ventura Publisher for Windows? Yes, but not all characters will be accessible. For compatibility with text files from previous versions, Ventura uses its own character set. Supporting full character access with Ventura would have severely limited the number of characters in the font. Ventura users will be better served by the full release of the SIL Encore Outline Fonts, due in the late fall. Why didn't you include upper case and full punctuation in the font? I need it! These inclusions would have severely limited the number of IPA characters included in the font. We chose to provide a complete IPA set, but without the "extras". All the "extras" are included in the full release of the SIL Encore Outline Fonts (available 11/92). Whenever I try to type the characters on the "single quote" key I never get what I want. Turn off the "Smart Quotes" option in your program. When I use diacritics the end of the line gets chopped off and my cursor is in the wrong place. This is sometimes caused by a screen driver that does not fully support Windows 3.1. Try switching to the standard VGA driver included with Windows 3.1. If that does not solve the problem, contact us. Windows does not support "zero-width" or "non- spacing" diacritics, so we have had to "trick" it into working correctly. Usually our workaround is successful, but not always. The Compose sequences don't seem to work. Be sure that Compose is currently running (it can be set to turn on manually or automatically), the CMP_IPA.DAT file is loaded and the Compose key is set to the correct key. Otherwise consult the online help within Compose. You will undoubtedly have other questions about using these SIL Encore IPA Fonts. You may also encounter problems with the fonts or have suggestions for their improvement. To make these fonts available quickly we have not been able to test them in every situation -- there may be "hidden features" in programs that we do not know about yet but cause problems. Please forward that information to us as soon as possible. Please contact us using the provided response form (FONTRESP.DOC/FONTRESP.TXT) or write to the address below. We greatly appreciate your suggestions and problem reports. We need your help as we work to improve our fonts. Thank you. 9/15/92 Font Development (Walt Agee, Victor Gaultney) SIL Printing Arts Department 7500 West Camp Wisdom Rd. Dallas, TX 75236 USA (214) 709-2420 Internet: victor.gaultney@huntpo.sil.org Copyright 1992 Summer Institute of Linguistics